Brian Deckard is a Expert WordPress website designer and developer, based in Bradenton, Florida

Brian Deckard

Digital Marketing & Website Design Services

Videography Services

Bradenton/Sarasota Marketing & Social Media

Videography Services

In today’s fast-paced digital world, attention spans are shorter than ever. Capturing hearts and minds requires dynamic, engaging content, and that’s where video comes in. Brian Deckard (Me) of Deckard & Company, a boutique marketing agency based in Bradenton, Florida, utilizes the power of videography to elevate your marketing efforts and perfectly tailor content for your social media needs.

Video is a powerhouse for marketing:
  • Boosts Engagement: Videos grab attention, spark emotions, and create a lasting impression on viewers. They are more likely to be shared and remembered compared to text or static images, increasing engagement and brand awareness.
  • Connects with Your Audience: Videos allow you to showcase your brand personality, introduce your team, or demonstrate your products or services in a way that text simply can’t. This fosters emotional connections and builds trust with your target audience.
  • Drives Results: Studies show that video content can significantly increase conversion rates, leading to more leads, sales, and overall marketing success.
Furthermore, video is ideal for social media:
  • Platforms Favor Video: Major social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube prioritize video content in their algorithms, increasing your reach and organic visibility.
  • Short and Engaging Formats: From bite-sized snippets to captivating stories, video allows you to create diverse, engaging content that fits perfectly within various social media platforms.
  • Builds Community: Sharing videos on social media fosters interaction and conversation with your followers, strengthening your brand community and building lasting relationships.


By partnering with me, Brian Deckard, and Deckard & Company, you gain access to professional videography services that transform your marketing and social media strategy. Let us help you create impactful video content that resonates with your audience and drives real results for your business.

Bradenton and Sarasota Social Media and Marketing Videography Services with Brian Deckard of Deckard & Company a boutique marketing agency
Videos we produce!